
Launch of Jordan's Largest Digital Skills Development and Employment Program

Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Launches Jordan's Largest Digital Skills Development and Employment Program

Amman, Jordan - The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship today announced the launch of its largest digital skills development and employment program in Jordan.

Developed and implemented by the Digital Skills Association (DigiSkills) under the supervision of the Youth, Technology, and Employment Project and funded by the World Bank, the program aims to equip Jordanian university graduates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields with the necessary skills to enter the job market.

The program will be implemented through grant agreements with 14 specialized training and employment companies that will provide practical and theoretical training to over 2,000 graduates. The training covers ten different technical specializations, including more than 30 training tracks, with the aim of developing the graduates' digital skills and securing employment for at least 60% of participants, increasing employment opportunities for the remaining group, and supporting the growth plans of the information and communications technology sector and the national economy as a whole.

The launch of the program was marked by an inaugural workshop held at the Bristol Hotel in Amman, attended by participating partners and representatives from the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship and the Youth, Technology, and Employment Project. The workshop provided comprehensive details about the program, highlighting its implementation phases and standard practices to ensure its success and achieve the targeted economic and social impact.

The comprehensive Digital Skills Development and Employment Program includes a wide range of training and skill development activities in various technical fields, most notably software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, Internet of Things solutions, augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality digital marketing, and other in-demand skills. These fields were identified based on a study conducted by the Digital Skills Association on the skills gap in local, regional, and global markets.

These fields allow graduates to choose from more than 30 training tracks to meet their diverse interests and career aspirations in the technology industry.

In a statement, Ahmed Al-Henandah, Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, emphasized the importance of this program in empowering youth, developing their digital skills, and qualifying them for the rapidly changing job market. He stressed the ministry's commitment to providing graduates with the digital skills needed to succeed in the growing digital economy, ensuring that this initiative has a positive and sustainable impact on their future careers.

Al-Henandah noted that the World Bank's support for this initiative reflects the ministry's and the Digital Skills Association's commitment to international standards in training and education, pointing out that the presence of 14 leading training companies and institutions in Jordan enhances the program's credibility and provides a unique opportunity for graduates to benefit from diverse expertise.

For his part, Dr. Nabil Al-Fayoumi, Director General of the Digital Skills Association, explained that the program focuses on engaging graduates of technical and engineering specialties who are seeking job opportunities and encouraging them to enroll in the available training tracks. The Digital Skills Association aims to build a support system of distinguished training providers, employers, and other partners committed to supporting the growth of the Jordanian digital economy.

Dr. Al-Fayoumi expressed his appreciation for the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship's ongoing commitment to developing digital skills, considering it a key requirement for enhancing innovation and economic growth in Jordan, explaining that the program's objectives stem from the national goals of promoting employment and stimulating innovation.

The workshop was attended by the partners participating in the program implementation, including: Abسط for Information Technology, Bayt Al-Itihad for Ideal Innovation, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Al Hussein Technical University, Al Tahseen Company for E-learning, Al-Daera Al-Khadra for Software Industry, Ruwad Al-Mustaqbal for Development and Initiatives (Orange Jordan), Qimat Al-Afaq Al-Hadith for Training and Consulting, Miami Business Solutions, Luminus University College of Technology, Al-Magra for Training and Information Technology, Arab Consultants for Consulting and Investment (Al-Khwarizmi University College of Technology), and the Jordanian Forum for Youth Creativity.

With the launch of this program, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship and its executive arm, the Digital Skills Association, are poised to empower the next generation and develop their digital skills necessary to succeed in a rapidly evolving digital environment.