
INKredible Community

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  • Startup Commercial Name (English): INKredible Community
  • Startup Commercial Name (Arabic): الحبر العجيب
  • Contact Person Name: Mohammed Hijazi
  • Phone Number: 00962798861008
  • Email: hijazis2000@yahoo.com
  • Headquarter: Jordan
  • Elevator Pitch:
    “INKredible” is a unique and pioneer project company, that supports the local community of young, unestablished, and unexperienced talents and artists, with special focus on female ones. Giving them support, guiding their very early steps towards fulfilling their own dreams, financial independence and long-term success.
  • Main Sector: Creative - Art, Media & DesignEntrepreneurship, Travel & Tourism
  • Sub Sector: Crafts & Artisan, Fashion